

More Treats Than Tricks

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Halloween will be pleasant, all recent weather history considered, with clear skies, warmer temperatures, but still a few icy spots and mounds of snow. Last week's snowstorm is still evident across most of Montana. While temperatures have warmed up a touch, it still is below average. Tuesday will be a few degrees warmer and a little more snow will melt. Most of the state will have highs in the 40s, but eastern Montana will be a little cooler in the 30s. As you set out for Trick or Treating, snow boots with good traction are a must. It will be wet, slushy, slippery and icy in spots. As temperatures cool through the evening, more wet spots will be turning slippery. So please be careful if you're out in a costume or if you're driving around. Evening temperatures will fall below freezing into the 20s. Wednesday is the first of November and the weather will be pretty nice again. Highs will be in the 40s under partly to mostly sunny skies. The next storm arrives on Thursday with clouds and a mix of rain, snow and ice. This storm is coming from the Pacific as opposed to the arctic, so milder temperatures will result in higher snow levels. A complicated atmosphere may produce some rain in the lower elevations that could freeze on contact with surface temperatures near 32. A little snow or ice could fall up on the Hi-line of north-central and northeast Montana. Friday will be mostly cloudy with a few lingering rain showers. Once again a little snow and ice will fall up across northeast Montana. Highs will be in the 30s up there, 40s and 50s elsewhere. The first weekend will start out quietly but it will not end that way. Another storm will approach later on Saturday with increasing clouds and a few isolated showers in the lower elevations, snow showers up high. Highs will be in the 40s to low 50s. Sunday will be a little more sloppy with a mix of rain and snow in the lower elevations and snow in the mountains. The weather over the next week or so will be more typical of the season.

Have a great day!
Curtis Grevenitz
Chief Meteorologist