

Attitude Adjustment

Showers this weekend and into next week
and last updated

A weak atmospheric disturbance is riding up and over our ridge this morning. There will be another round of scattered showers and a few thunderstorms late this afternoon and evening, mostly in central to southwest Montana. Great Falls most likely won't see much rain or thunderstorm activity today, but more so into Friday. Friday's activity may be slightly more productive with a little more moisture but moderate thunderstorms will likely be few and far between. The general flow aloft turns southwesterly and unstable tonight into Friday as a shortwave trough passes. A more convective friendly environment will be in place Friday afternoon/evening for southeast Montana. Scattered cloud cover and relatively cool surface temperatures will be limit severe weather potential. The primary thunderstorm hazards will be gusty winds, brief heavy down pours, lightning, and hail, possibly up to quarter size with the strongest storms. The Storm Prediction Center has placed portions of Central and Southwest MT under a `marginal risk` for isolated severe wind gusts and hail. A similar set up is expected for Saturday, but instability will be lower because of more cloud cover. Rain will continue through at least Wednesday of next week. As always: A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.
Be nice to each other.

- Trey Tonnessen -