A DENSE FOG ADVISORY continues for parts of the Hi-Line until 11 AM today
Today, most of the state will warm into the 30s and 40s, with some locations reaching the upper 40s to low 50s. A warming wind will develop along the Rocky Mountain Front. Gusts could be over 55 MPH this weekend, especially on Sunday.
A bit of moisture enters the state beginning on Saturday. Most of the rain and snow will be in the mountains west of the Continental Divide, but a few isolated showers may form near Helena late Saturday night.
The flow will switch briefly out of the northwest on Sunday, giving us a low chance of seeing wintry conditions reach valley floors and the plains. Little to no accumulation is expected.

Another weather system will blast through the state on Tuesday. A surface high-pressure system sets up in northern Montana which could keep temperatures low and increase the potential for lower-elevation snow.
Helena Temperature Records Today:
High: 62 (2014)
Low: -23 (1922)
AVG: 33/15
Great Falls Temperature Records Today:
High: 63 (2014)
Low: -32 (1922)
AVG: 36/17
Have a great Thursday!
Joey Biancone
Facebook: Meteorologist Joey Biancone
Instagram: joeybianconewx
Email: joey.biancone@ktvh.com