Dining for Disabilities


When you have a child with a disability, there are times when day-to-day life situations may seem pretty overwhelming. Family Outreach may be able to provide the help you need to overcome some of these challenges. At Family Outreach, we provide independent living services, family assistance and employment services to 12 counties in and around the Helena, Bozeman and Butte communities.

Family Outreach is a private non-profit organization that relies primarily on state and federal funding along with grants, donations and community-based fundraising events. When you contribute financially to Family Outreach, all of your donations stay in your local communities. By supporting the Dining with Disabilities program, you are supporting families that have children and adults with developmental delays and/or intellectual disabilities to learn the skills needed to live independently and work in their respective communities.

If you would like more information about the services provided by Family Outreach Inc., or would like to make a donation, check out our website at: www.FamilyOutreach.org,or look for us on Instagram at: @familyoutreachinc,or on Facebook at: FamilyOutreachInc.



1212 Helena Avenue
Helena, MT 59601
Ph: 406-443-7370
Fax: 406-449-6062


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