HELENA — Organizers of the women's shelter Ruth's Place say they are waiting on a city permit before they can break ground.
"I wouldn't say it's a struggle, but the procedures you have to go through for a building, to add on to a building, to get all your i's dotted and t's crossed, that's what's been going on with it," said Theresa Ortega, executive director of Good Samaritan Ministries.
Good Samaritan and Family Promise hoped to break ground on the women's shelter in August, but without a permit, they cannot.

Ortega says they could get the approved permit by the end of this week, and they have invitations to the groundbreaking almost ready to go, but that does not mean the shelter will be running in time for winter.
"I've worked with contractors, and they're very busy. They get one thing done, and they're jumping to the next thing right away. Then we've got the weather now to contend with," said Ortega.
She also updated MTN on Good Samaritan's Our Place, which offers day services to the unsheltered.
They had hoped to move the services into the Family Promise facility, which is expanding to add Ruth's Place, but without construction, that plan did not work out, and they have until January 1st to relocate.

Ortega said, "Again, we are looking for a place temporarily for a few months to keep our place up and running."
Good Samaritan held a fundraiser for Ruth's Place earlier this month called Unsheltered Experience.
Ten women found sponsors to raise money for the women's shelter and stayed overnight outdoors on the Good Samaritan property to see what it is like for the unsheltered.
"I didn't know this, and someone who is homeless told me, 'Put cardboard down on the asphalt, and it will insulate you and keep you warmer.' It did. This is what people are doing to stay warm. Women are staying warm that way," Ortega said.
Since Ruth's Place has a brick-and-mortar location, the money raised will go to operational costs like purchasing bedding, furniture, and staffing.

Ortega says if everything goes according to plan, Ruth's Place could open as early as spring.
Right now, Ortega says God's Love is the only shelter taking in people, but the unsheltered can call Good Samaritan at (406)442-0780 for extra bedding, supplies, and assistance.