HELENA — A first-of-its-kind multi-county community health survey will happen in June.
The Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response, or CASPER, survey collaborates with organizations like Lewis and Clark Public Health, Pureview Health Center, and St. Peter's Health.
Volunteers will go door-to-door across Lewis and Clark, Jefferson, Powell, Broadwater, and Meagher counties.

The survey is "meant to provide a snapshot of community health conditions, behaviors, and social determinants."
The door-to-door survey will be conducted on Tuesday, June 25th, between 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Thirty 2-member teams will locate seven households in each census block willing to respond.
Residents who participate will be eligible to win a $500 Visa gift card.
The results will help identify public health priorities and form a community health improvement plan.
The deadline to apply as a volunteer is Monday, June 17th.