HELENA — Over 15 volunteer firefighters with the Tri-Lakes Volunteer Fire Department took a cold plunge on Saturday for the group's first-ever ice rescue training, with brand-new gear they had never had.
(Watch to see how crews save someone who has fallen through the ice)
"With us being Tri-Lakes, we have three lakes in the district. Last year, we had a couple of people go through the ice up by the Causeway, and that kind of just got us rolling on maybe we should have it ourselves out here," said Lieutenant Kyle Neidich with Tri-Lakes Volunteer Fire Department.
Tri-Lakes says they are always upgrading and adapting to the needs of our community, and it is crucial to have this training and equipment, given how vast the Helena Valley is.

Neidich said, "The response time would just be increased by the time they get to their station, [and] get what gear is needed. So, it's imperative that there's departments that have waterways and ice within their system or within their area, can be trained to respond in a time of need for somebody through the ice."

The ice rescue training and gear are not the only thing new to the department.
"This is our support unit. It looks like an ambulance, [but] it is not an ambulance," said Sam Alpert, EMS services manager for the department.

Tri-Lakes will use the ''not an ambulance" support vehicle to help their volunteers as a place to check their vitals, keep warm in the winter, and cool off in the summer.

Alpert said, "Our people are out there putting in the work for somebody else, looking out for somebody else. We wanted to start doing a better job of looking out for them."
This support vehicle is the only one in the Helena Valley for fire departments, but it is not just for Tri-Lakes.

"Our department participates in mutual aid with our neighboring departments throughout the Helena Valley. It is something that if they want it, it's available to the other departments," said Alpert.

If you want to get involved with a volunteer fire department, Tri-Lakes recommends contacting your local fire department to see which area would be the best fit.