BILLINGS — As mid-July has had consistent temperatures of over 95 degrees, it's important for you to stay hydrated as well as those outside plants. And with this sweltering heat, you might be neglecting necessary care for your lawn and gardens.
When it's in the triple digits outside, how much should you be watering your plants, and how often?
Well, experts say roughly two to three times a week.

"Proper irrigation is key for lawns. Everybody should have their sprinkler systems checked and calibrated in the spring, summer, and even in the fall, because things change," said Keith Ahlgren.

Ahlgren is the owner of Green Magic Lawn Care Services, which he manages with other family members. Safe to say that if someone knows about lawn care, it's Ahlgren.
For him, lawn care may be difficult in this hot weather, but it can also be rewarding.
"The soils aren't the best in certain areas, but we deal with what we got here in the Billings area," he said.
Unfortunately, soil in Billings can be hard to work with. Ahlgren describes it as sandy and full of clay, but that doesn't stop him and other landscape activists.
For Billings resident Erin Walker, it's all about the pretty flowers and plants.

"It's a lot of playing around. It's actually so fun. I love landscaping," she said.
She's neighbors with lawn enthusiast, Eric May, who loves that flat and clean grass look.

"I love mowing, and I love when the lawn is freshly mowed and it looks really good," he said.
Between these three experts, it's actually best to take care of your lawn and garden in the early morning, or late evening hours.
"When you're watering in the heat of the day, let's say at that 2:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m., you get a lot of evaporation with water," says Ahlgren.

Which is actually great for you, because you get to beat the sweltering heat. But, Eric May recommends that if you are going to be outside in the hot hours of the day, it's best to wear sunscreen, a hat, and drink lots of water.
"It's definitely better in the spring and fall, wish we got a little more rainfall here. But, I try to keep it looking good all year 'round," he says.
For Erin Walker, her plants stay vibrant and healthy by making the experience a bit more enjoyable.
"I come out here with an audio-book on, probably like two to three times a week. I just walk around and I deadhead plants, like the peonies, the daises, weed things, and transplant plants," she said.
When you're taking care of your lawn on hot days like Saturday, it's always good to make sure you aren't under or even over-watering. Believe it or not, but over-watering in the month of July is very possible.
Keith recommends to, "Walk your lawn. Watch when your sprinkler systems are on, and just make sure that you're getting the coverage and everything. Just be proactive in the yards."
For another beginner's tip, Keith references one of his friends that's been in the field for over 50 years. He says that if the lawn is yellow like a banana, it needs nutrients. If it's yellow like hay, then it needs some water.
Finally, turn the lawn and garden work into a passion project. Go outside before noon, when the sun is at its highest. That way, when you're done, you can sit back and enjoy the view.