

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality is giving out free Radon test kits

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HELENA — The Montana Department of Environmental Quality is giving out free Radon test kits. Radon can be very dangerous to you and your family.

“Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is inert and it basically gets into homes and can build up and cause lung cancer,” Small Business Ombudsman and Radon Coordinator for the Department of Environmental Quality, Michael Gustafson said.

 Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers in the United States.

 The gas is naturally occurring and can be especially prevalent in the rock and soil in Montana.

 It enters homes through cracks in a foundation, or the small spaces around utility pipes.

Officials suggest testing for Radon on the lowest livable level of a home every two to five years, or after making any structural changes to a home.

“Well, the best way to find out if you have radon is to test and DEQ does offer free radon test kits on our website and all you have to do is order it. The kits will be provided with return postage. Conduct the test, return the test and your results will be emailed to you,” said Gustafson.

Winter, when windows and doors are more likely to be closed and there is less ventilation, is considered the best time to conduct a test.

Radon is measured in picocuries (pCi) per liter of air.

“4.0 pCi is the standard threshold for action.”

In Montana, approximately half of the homes tested for Radon levels at or above the action level according to DEQ data.

When elevated Radon levels are found in a home, they can be reduced through mitigation measures.

“Above 4.0 it is recommended for mitigation and we do also provide a map, broken down by county, for service providers,” said Gustafson. “Some homes have a crawl space. Some homes have a basement. The application will vary, but the biggest thing there looking at is how they can seal that barrier because that want to remove that soil gas from beneath the home.”

For more information or to order your free Radon test kit visit the DEQ website.