HELENA — A part of Helena as old as the town itself could see some changes.
The City of Helena has brought forward its final draft of a Neighborhood Plan for the Railroad District, also known as the 6th Ward or Midtowne.

During a City/County Consolidated Planning Board meeting on Tuesday, the board heard for the first time about the plan, which is rooted in Helena's growth policy.
This is the city's first sub-area planning effort since adopting the 2019 Growth Policy.
Key goals of the Railroad District Plan include keeping and enhancing the neighborhood's identity and history, improving safety and access, strengthening housing opportunities, and supporting the business community.

Initiatives of the plan involve forming a Business Improvement District (BID), creating a streetscape plan, updating zoning in the subarea, extending the Centennial Trail, and constructing a roundabout on Montana Avenue.
These goals and initiatives are built from interviews with 6th Ward residents and business owners.
"Public involvement is critical. These plans are for the public, so if you don't talk to them, you don't really know what you're doing," said Michael Alvarez, City of Helena Planner II.
The planning board will decide whether or not to recommend the Railroad District Neighborhood Plan during their January 21st meeting.

You can find the complete final draft here and a recording of the meeting with the presentation here.