HELENA — On a February morning at Great Divide Ski Area, finding a place to set your skis or snowboard can be difficult, as the mountain is filled with people taking advantage of the fresh snow.

"I ski mostly every weekend when there's snow on the ground," said Leo Wilkinson.
Lukas Meyer said, "On a day like this, [we] have our parents call us out of school to just come out and have a good time."
High schoolers Wilkinson and Meyer are not the only students on the slopes Wednesday morning.
CR Anderson Middle School sixth graders took to the mountains for a free day of skiing and snowboarding.

"I'm not the best skier, but it's fun so I still want to do it," said Quinn Sullivan, one of the students.
The students receive lessons alongside their teachers, learning to 'french fry' and 'pizza.'
For students who make the classic Montana sport a yearly tradition, this season's conditions are a welcomed change.
Sixth grader Charlie Young said, "There's a lot more snow. Last year, we didn't have as much snow when we came up here for the trip, but we've got a lot of powder this year."

"There's more runs open this year and other chair lifts open. A lot more snow and a lot more powder," said Beckett Handy.
Great Divide estimates they have gotten six to ten inches of snow since Sunday.