

Second graders join Helena Fire Department for Fire Prevention Week


HELENA — Nearly five hundred second grade students in the Helena area had the opportunity to visit the fire department and learn about fire safety for Fire Prevention Week.

Helena Fire Department is teaming up with State Sarm and The National Fire Protection Association to promote Fire Prevention Week.

This year's theme is smoke alarms: make them work for you.

With the help of Sparky the Fire Dog students were taught how to stop-drop-and-roll and how to evacuate through a smoke filled room.


Second grade student Elliette's favorite activity was crawling through the smoke filled room and says, "it kinda makes me feel like I was getting the experience of how it would feel in a real fire."

According to the National Fire Protection Association, almost three out of five home fire deaths were caused by fires in properties with no smoke alarms or smoke alarms that failed to operate.


Kurt Sheehan, City of Helena Deputy Fire Marshall notes, "what we are trying to get out this year is you know your smoke alarms should be tested weekly or at least monthly by pressing the test button that are on them. your battery should be changed in those at least twice a year and do the manufacturers recommendation. smoke alarms are really only good for about ten years, so after ten years they should be thrown away and a new one installed."

Fire Prevention Week ends on Saturday, October 12.