

Recent refurbishment to the Helena's Veterans Memorial


HELENA — A recent refurbishment provided much-needed maintenance to Helena’s Veterans Memorial in Memorial Park.

“Our goal and our mission is to always keep this for perpetuity,” says Chairman of the Board of the Lewis & Clark Veterans Memorial Foundation, Retired U.S. Army Major General Gene Prendergast.

The Lewis & Clark Veterans Memorial Foundation was established in 2005 in order to keep the memorial in good condition.

The Foundation recently spent $35,000 towards structural work and new paint on the Veteran’s Memorial.

The memorial itself sits in Memorial Park and serves to honor those from Lewis & Clark County who have died in World War 2, the global war on terrorism, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The memorial was dedicated in 1949 and rededicated in 2006.

Prendergast says that it’s important to keep this memorial in pristine condition in order to never forget those whose names are listed.

“We just appreciate all the people that donated already to help us so we keep this memorial in perpetuity. And we never ever forget the names on this,” says Prendergast.

The foundation is currently asking for donations to replace the $35,000 spent, in order to have money for possible future renovations. They are asking for donations either through checks or through their GoFundMe campaign.