NewsPositively Montana


Eagle Scout hopeful commits to revitalizing Lions Park

Shai Simpson

GREAT FALLS — On Saturday, September 3, 2022, Shai Simpson committed to revitalizing the pavilion at Lions Park in Great Falls.

The pavilion has sat weathered and chipped for years now, and it's taken one special individual to bring along the change.

Simpson spent years in the Girl Scouts before transferring to the Boy Scouts.

Shai Simpson
Lions Park in Great Falls

“When the Boy Scouts started accepting girls, I saw they did a lot of camping and hiking and I thought that looked really fun and cool, so I joined in 2019 and have been working hard to up my ranks,” says Simpson.

This weekend, Shai and her fellow Scouts are working hard to prepare the pavilion to be painted.

“Today we’re working at chipping and pressure washing any excess material on the walls and laying on the base primer coat,” says Simpson, “next week we’re going to be painting in the little details, and anyone in the community is welcome.”

Shai Simpson at Lions Park

The painting itself is going to be an aquatic theme. The idea is the mural art will coexist with an indoor pool which is being built nearby.

“It’ll be a nice place for people to grab lunch after hitting the pool,” says Scout Master Lisa Kiamas.

The project will help liven up the park for future gatherings and events.


Positively Montana