

People in Helena share their New Year's Resolutions

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HELENA — The new year is a great time to see what’s been holding you back and make the necessary adjustments. Some attempt to pick up new habits by joining a gym. According to a study by Forbes nearly half of resolutions made for this upcoming year have to do with fitness.

Others make the decision to quit something that may not be serving them. For example, many people choose to take part in dry January. According to research from the University of Sussex, 71% of those who participated in a dry January study slept better, 71% realized they don’t need a drink to enjoy themselves, and 67% had more energy.

Erik Raume was visiting Helena from Florida. He says he’s going to try and get up earlier and use the time to pursue a new hobby like rock climbing.

“I feel like I've been wasting a lot of time in the day, just kind of lounging, so getting up and getting more active,” says Raume.

Some, like Jacob Hutchison who is visiting family in Helena, says that he doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions.

“Just don't feel like I ever follow through with it. Like if I do one, it's like a month and then I stop doing it. So, I just don't do it anymore.” says Hutchison.

Heather Roberts, who is in town for a wedding, has found that resolutions can be made at any time of year when you feel like you’re truly ready for a change.

“Then when I was ready, you know, last spring then I guess I kind of made my resolution then and I quit smoking. So, I, I, you have to be ready to do it when you do it. That's when you make the resolution,” says Roberts.

Whatever your New Year's resolution or lack thereof, may you be successful and enjoy this new year.