

MT ANG members visit with students at Great Falls High School

Members helped students learn about the Guard
MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School
MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School
MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School
MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School

GREAT FALLS — Members of the Montana Air National Guard are visiting with students at Great Falls High School to promote the Guard.

On Wednesday, March 8, members of the Guard, including two generals, spent time at the high school to help students explore careers with the Guard.

MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School
MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School

This included talking to students about the school's newly-remodeled culinary arts kitchen and how what they're doing in the kitchen can apply to the Guard.

This was also the first time the Guard brought some equipment to the schools for students to experience.

MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School
MT ANG members visit Great Falls High School

"I think it's awesome. I'm pretty excited. This is stuff they don't get to see everyday and stuff they can come out and get hands-on and see what we do. This is just a small portion of what we do," said Brigadier General Buel Dickson, the commander of the MT ANG.

Members of the Guard will be at C.M. Russell High School on March 28 and the Guard will host an open hangar event for students on base April 19.

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