HELENA — The Montana Department of Revenue has released marijuana sales numbers for the first month recreational sales have been legal in the state.
According to the state, $22.6 million in marijuana sales were made during the month of January 2022 generating an estimated $2.96 million in tax revenue.
Adult-use recreational marijuana saw a larger dollar amount spent than medical with $12,851,000 in sales for Jan. for an estimated $2,570,000 in tax revenue coming back to the state. Medical marijuana $9,783,000 in sales for an estimated $391,335. Adult-use is significantly higher-taxed in the state, carrying a 20 percent state sales tax compared to the four percent sales tax for medical.

Sales have been consistent for recreational marijuana averaging around $2.8 million a week in January.
The state will use around $6 million of the tax revenue for the Healing and Ending Addiction through Recovery and Treatment (HEART) program which is aimed at substance abuse prevention and mental health treatment.
20 percent of the remaining revenue generated will go to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to fund wildlife habitat.
A maximum of $200,000 will go to veterans and surviving spouses and $150,000 will go towards funding for crisis treatment training.
The remainder of the money will go into the state's general fund.