

Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force approves Legislature report

Posted 11:40 PM, Aug 13, 2020
and last updated 8:28 PM, Aug 14, 2020

MONTANA — The Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force approved a report to be sent to the state legislature.

The report gathered information from previous years beginning with the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Movement to a 2020 Montana data analysis project detailing Native Americans are disproportionately represented among those missing.

The task force hopes to use this report to improve reporting and reduce missing, Indigenous persons in Montana. The task force also hopes to release a website with a notification form to report missing persons.

According to the Montana Missing Persons Specialist, as of August 12th, 2020, there are 180 active missing persons cases. 44 of them are indigenous. Out of the 44, 16 have been missing for over a year.

Click here to view the full report.