HELENA — Whether you like it or not, we are supposed to get snow this week, and the Montana Department of Transportation is looking for snowplow drivers to help keep roads clear over Montana's winter months.

"When you're having a bad day in the wintertime, looking at these trucks, they're a savior. That's what you want to see on the road, and they're out there doing it," said Doug McBroom, maintenance operations manager for the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT).
There are roughly 600 plow trucks statewide, which are turned into dump trucks or maintenance vehicles during summer months.

Previous experience is not required, but applicants must be 18 years of age or older and have or are working to get a commercial license.
MDT plows between 3 to 4 million miles of roadways each year.
Mcbroom said, "If you think about it, it's enough to go to and from the moon, I think, six or seven times."

The positions are temporary, typically November through April, so MDT says many of their hires are construction workers.
If hired, the employee must live or relocate within 45 miles of the work headquarters and have a phone or be reasonably accessible to headquarters to ensure they can quickly reach an emergency location.

"They have a family too, and they want to make sure it's safe for their family. They plow the roads as if their kids are driving the roads, which is incredible."
MDT hopes to hire between 100 and 200 drivers by the end of November, and you can find where to apply here.