HELENA — The Montana Department of Environmental Quality is encouraging radon awareness with radon test kits for the month of January.
January is National Radon Action Month and Montana’s geology makes our state prone to higher radon levels.
In Montana around half of tested homes test for radon levels at or above the normal level.
Radon can enter homes over time and increases the risk of lung cancer in non-smokers.

It is recommended to test at the lowest occupied floor of a home every two to five years or after making structural changes to the home.
Thanks to a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency, Montanans have access to free testing.
John Dendy with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality says, "During the month of January in Montana you can get a free radon test kit from the Department of Environmental Quality to test your home. It is odorless and tasteless, so you won’t know you have it until you test for it.”

The test kits are usually delivered within two weeks from the date they are requested.
Once the test kit arrives, instructions provided in the kit will guide the two- to five-day testing process.
Completed radon test kits must be mailed to the lab within one week of testing for accurate results. Paid return postage is provided with the radon test kit and lab results will be emailed once the test has been analyzed.
To request a free radon kit visit the DEQ website here.