HELENA — Santa has helpers worldwide, including here in Helena, and with Christmas day about two weeks away, Santa is making his list and checking it twice, so it is time to send him a list of your own.

"It's always a lot of fun to be Santa's helper and spread some magic," said Kait Perrodin, the recreation manager for the City of Helena's Parks and Recreations.
This year is the second Helena Parks and Recreation has been working with Mr. Claus to collect letters.

Perrodin said, "We reached out to Santa [and] he provided us with these magic mailboxes. It's a lot more fun and easier for kids to send their letters to Santa with these magic red mailboxes."
So far, they have received around 100 letters this year.

"We get the letters to Santa, and he responds with a postcard, and the front of the postcard is a scene in Helena," said Perrodin
She sent her letter to Santa in mid-November and got the postcard below back from him.

Perrodin said, "The letters are typically wishing Santa good luck [and] safety. Some of the kids let Santa know they plan on catching him, and those are always really clever and creative."
This year, Perrodin heard from Santa that one of the most popular toys being asked for is the Pikku Reindeer, a friend of the Elf on the Shelf.

If you want more holiday cheer, Helena Parks and Rec is hosting a community tree decorating party to spruce up the trees on open lands this Saturday.
It is from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM at Mount Helena Trailhead, and attendees can enjoy music and hot chocolate while decorating.
"We try to find as many services as we can provide for free, for kids, for families that anyone can participate in," said Perrodin.

You have until the 20th to drop your letters to Santa in the red mailbox at the City-County Building, the Helena Civic Center, or the Memorial Park Ice Rink.