Health Occupation Students of America is a collection of students who gather to learn about the future of Health Occupations.
Every year CMR Teacher and HOSA adviser Christi Virts encourages her health occupation students to pay forward to celebrate HOSA week.
This year they surprised Great Falls fire departments across the city with lunches.
HOSA has designated a week annually to encourage its members to give back to their communities through activities, presentations and recognitions.
Last year they surprised GF Police Department with baked eggs and bacon this year was Great Falls Fire Department with Jimmy Johns lunch.
CMR student Aubry Smith said, “I Feel like it’s nice to do for the first responders that do so much for us and to take time out of their day to come and assist with our emergency’s so we thought it would be nice to bring them something to give them back to them.”
HOSA-Future Health Professionals has designated a week annually to encourage its members to give back to their communities through activities, presentations, and recognition and to give thanks to the value, accomplishments and achievements of all who have made the health profession a better place to work.
The mission of HOSA is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience.
For more information about C.M. Russel High School HOSA you can go to their website C.M. Russel High School HOSA