

Local businesses offering Halloween events in the pandemic

Many businesses are hosting events for Halloween
Posted 11:16 PM, Oct 30, 2020
and last updated 11:42 PM, Oct 30, 2020

HELENA — Many worry Halloween may be cancelled in 2020, but Helena businesses are bagging candy saying that is not true.

Helena businesses are making sure Halloween isn’t canceled by hosting events for families.

“The 2020 has been a bad year, it's been up and down with this COVID-19 going on,” says Paxton Likness, Executive Manager of Kenny Simpson Nissan in Helena. “It's not the kids fault. This is one holiday of the year that the kids enjoy. The kids should go out and have fun. We want this to make a normal year."

Helena Nissan is one example with their event, Trunk or Treat. They are decorating their vehicles to serve as houses for kids to trick or treat. Each vehicle will be separated and follow public health guidelines. Masks will be required and Nissan is advising they are only letting in 25 people at a time.

“We had a talk with the health department. We're all on the same page. We will have parking in the back of the building, so that everybody can park. We'll have people designate about 25 can come at a time. So, we're going to make it safe for everybody, make sure the kids are safe and the families are safe,” says Likness.

Casinos are also getting involved by hosting a drive-thru Halloween. People can drive by the casino, admire the decorations, and pick up a bag of candy, all while staying in the vehicle. 4J’s, Loose Caboose, and Drae’s in East Helena will release the details of entering and exiting the event on Halloween.

“We just thought this was a really safe event that we could do and it's all about the kids, it really is just...the more we can do to make these kids happy, I think we're all better off," says Mayme Folio, the Operations Manager of these casinos.

If you still wish to participate in Halloween, but not attend these public events. The CDC and Lewis & Clark Public Health have released their own tips and advice on how to do that. Click here to view the tips.

If you wish to attend these events and more, below are the details:

*Although these events are following COVID-19 guidelines, attending these events still puts you at a risk of contracting COVID-19. You are encouraged to follow CDC guidelines when out participating in Halloween.*

Drive-thru Halloween: 4J’s, Loose Caboose, Drae’s Casino

Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Exact entrance: To Be Determined.

The latest info can be found on their Facebook page.

Trunk or Treat: Kenny Simpson Nissan

Time: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Location: 3135 Prospect Ave, Helena, Montana 59601

For the latest updates, click here for their Facebook page.

Candy Cruze: Capstone Church

What: A drive-thru event to pick up candy

Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location: 2800 N. Montana, Helena, Montana 59601

For the latest updates, click here for their Facebook page.

Haunt Walk Through: Bonanza Court Haunt

What: A small haunted house with a pumpkin patch and graveyard

Time: 6:00 pm - ???

Location: 5386 Bonanza Court, Helena, Montana 59601

For the latest updates, click here for their Facebook page.

Candy Crop Dusting: Edgewater Farms

What: Hundreds of pounds of candy dropping out of a crop duster plane for the kids to run and grab

Time: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Location: 8410 U.S. Highway 287, Townsend, Montana 59644

For the latest updates, click here for their Facebook page.