HELENA — Three elected leaders from Lewis and Clark County were sworn in on Tuesday during the county commission's regular meeting.
No empty seats were in the commission chambers as Judge Chris Abbott administered the oath of office.

Those sworn in are Lisa Kallio, the Lewis and Clark County District Court Clerk; Judge Mark Piskolich for County Justice of the Peace; and Commissioner Andy Hunthausen.
All three were elected during the general election.

This is Hunthausen's fourth term on the county commission.
"This time, it's a different kind of awe-factor for me. It's one of those that I'm just so appreciative of being able to serve my community and be part of this again. I really appreciate the trust. I've tried my best to earn it, to work hard to be as positive as I can and as steadfast. You know what you get. I'm not going to be high and low and all over," he said.
After the swearing-in, attendees enjoyed a brief reception before the county commission reconvened for the rest of their meeting.