HELENA — On a Friday, you can expect it to be a busy night for bars and breweries, but for people cutting back or quitting drinking for Dry January, Headwaters Crafthouse in Helena gives options to keep the drinks flowing.

Customers at Headwaters do not have to worry about driving if they are drinking non-alcoholic beers, kombucha, and CBD mocktails.
It is part of a push to cater to those giving Dry January a try or trying to cut back in the new year.
"When you want to go out, you want to socialize, but you are cutting back or cutting alcohol out of your lifestyle. Having a very communal environment is very important. A very welcoming atmosphere is what we've always strove for," said Michael More, who co-owners Headwater Crafthouse with his wife, Joanie More.

Here is how Dry January works: you cannot drink alcohol for the entire month, and it is a time to reflect on your drinking habits.
Some Montanans are taking a hard look at how drinking affects their life.

A 2022 report from the Centers for Disease Control shows that 24% of adults in our state binge drink, which is seven percent higher than the national average.
The CDC defines binge drinking as four drinks for women in one sitting and five for men.
Michael said, "It's about mitigating how you socialize and when you want to participate in finding those other options, finding that crutch to get you through whatever it is you are going through."
Headwaters has plenty of options for those looking to cut back.

Their Dry January Tap Takeovers include flights of NA brews starting on January 7th, a kombucha sampling event with Back to the Mother from Missoula on the 16th, and the third week of January will feature flights of gluten-free beers.
"It's not just the typical standard O'Doul's or whatever they had ten years ago. You actually have craft NA options. If you enjoy beer, you don't want to drink a subpar na beer because you're just putting empty calories in your body, and that's no fun," said Michael.

Headwaters have NA brew and beverage options to enjoy no matter what time of year.
You can find a complete list of what they are serving here.