HELENA — Starting early next week, shoppers can expect new signage, fresh coats of paint, and new products when browsing the aisles at the new Town and Country Foods on Euclid Ave. The Bozeman-based grocer has been working since the end of February to transform the site into its ninth Montana store.

Eric Drake, the vice president for Town and Country, told MTN that the turnaround to get the store up and running is coming together quickly.
“The biggest thing for us was to be able to turn this store around from where it was, being ready to open in two weeks is pretty much a giant accomplishment for us. We work as a team. We've got great vendors that work with us. We've got great construction and guys that work with us. It's been awesome to see 50 or so people running around here and not tripping over each other and getting the job done."

Drake says that work over the weekend to get the store ready for the public includes a number of tasks.
(Watch the video to hear more from Drake about what’s left to do before the store can open)
“We’re just really excited to get the doors open and start being a part of the community,” Drake said.
He added that Town & Country hopes to open the store on Monday, March 17 with a back-up opening day on March 18.
The store will be open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 306 Euclid Ave. in Helena, Montana.