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Helena Animal Control, Lewis and Clark Humane Society announce TNR operation


HELENA — Helena Animal Control and the Lewis and Clark Humane Society will conduct trap-neuter-return, or TNR, operations in the lower east side neighborhood next week.

Animal Control will set out humane live-traps for feral or community cats on Tuesday, Aug. 15 and collect the traps the following day.

Officers will take captured cats to the Lewis and Clark Humane Society. There they will be vaccinated, spayed or neutered and have an ear clipped. The cats' ears are clipped so they can be easily identified as being altered in the future.

Animal Control and LCHS asks the public to not set traps and to stop feeding stray or feral cats on Sunday, Aug. 13 to encourage the cats to seek out the food in the city traps.

LCHS also asks people to keep pet cats inside during trapping to prevent a family pet from being accidentally captured.

For more information contact the Lewis and Clark Humane Society.