NewsHelena News


Bad posture could be leading to your Zoom headache

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HELENA — Since the pandemic began, more Montanans have been spending more time in front of the computer, working remotely and having Zoom meetings.

Doctor Brandon Bilyeu of Ascension Health in Helena says this is what could be the cause of some pain Montanans are experiencing. “Mix the combination of bad posture and stress and anxiety is a pretty good recipe for headaches.”

As an Osteopathic Doctor, his focuses are joint, muscles and the spine. Using spinal manipulation, he can relieve shoulder, neck and back pain.

“Muscle tension, in between their shoulder blades, up into their neck and then it will go up into their head,” he said.

Adding that he uses a gentle approach, "the work that I do, just leaning on my own body weight or letting their own body weight resting on my hands,” he said.

How you are sitting, while you are in front of the computer working remotely or studying could be part of the problem of the pain.

“Something we often know we are supposed to sit with a little better posture, but when you are stuck for hours in front of the computer you will actually start doing a lot of this motion,” he said.

The goal is to get Montanans back what they love to do, like being outdoors, fishing, hunting, hiking, and camping.

“Relieve some of that so they can do some of that, so they can do the stuff they love to do.”

Ascension Health also offers monthly packages. They can be reached at (406) 513-1065.