HELENA — A sometimes-overlooked classic playtoy is the inspiration behind the artwork of Helena's Hannah Harvey, and through a partnership with Myrna Loy, you will have a chance to see her creations for yourself.

Helena native Hannah Harvey responded to an open call for the Myrna's Jailhouse Gallery space with a pitch for her Wes Anderson-inspired paper doll collection.
"I really hadn't thought about paper dolls for a long time until I started working on this project. It just became the perfect way to express what I wanted to express and express how I felt about these characters," Harvey said.

For two years, she has been sketching, painting, and cutting out characters from "Grand Budapest Hotel," "The Life Aquatic," and "The Darjeeling Limited."
Harvey said, "It really came down to me just wanting to show appreciation for something that I love. I think of my show as an homage to him and his films."

A long-time fan of Anderson's movies, Harvey says this show is a full circle moment.
"The Myrna was where I saw my first Wes Anderson movie, "Moonrise Kingdom" when I was in middle school. It just felt really appropriate to have it there," she said.

Unfortunately, Harvey says she will not be selling her paper dolls anytime soon, but she is interested in making prints of them for people to buy.
The opening of Normal People: The Characters of Wes Anderson by Hannah Harvey is on Thursday at 5:00 PM, followed by a screening of Anderson's rendition of fantastic Mr. Fox at 7:00 PM.

Harvey's Wes Anderson-inspired paper doll exhibit will run through March.
You can find more about Harvey's work here and more on the Myrna Loy here.