

Helena area Salvation Army prepares for annual Thanksgiving dinner

Salvation Army Turkey

HELENA — On Wednesday, November 22, the smell of turkey filled the Salvation Army Gym as they prepare for their annual Thanksgiving dinner.

A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be served at the Salvation Army this Thanksgiving.

The meal will include, turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, rolls and pumpkin pie.

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., they estimate about 250 people will stop by.

That is about 100 more people than last year.

“We’re expecting a little bit more just because the momentum is starting to grow in the community and people are expecting it and wanting to be a part of it,” said Major Iva West, an Administrator and Core Officer for the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army says they provide this meal to help other who cannot afford a full Thanksgiving meal or people who might be alone during the holidays.

“Being able to come together with other people and to have dinner with them, even with people they don’t even know, and build that relationship helps to lift their spirits and remind them that they are loved and valued and people really do care about them,” West said. 

Doris Lawler has been volunteering for the last eight thanksgiving dinners.

She has seen the joy it brings to participants.

“I think everyone enjoys it. They love the companionship or the comradely and the dinners are always good,” said Lawler.

The Salvation Army invites the whole community to join tomorrow, if they would like a good meal and some friends to spend the holiday with.

“We just want to invite the community to come and enjoy a free thanksgiving meal with us,” West said. “If you have nowhere to go, come and be part of the fellowship here. You’re more than welcome.”