HELENA — December is Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Montana has one of the highest fatality rates caused by impaired driving in the country.
Sgt. Chris Weiss of the Lewis and Clark County Sheriff’s Office shares why he believes this number is so high.
"We have a lot of counties that only have one or two officers for their entire counties, so to detect that is very hard to do and obviously with that many roads and square miles in this state a lot of people are driving and doing that," Weiss says. "It is something that we address to try to take part in to subtract."
To crack down on drunk and impaired drivers during the holidays, the Montana Highway Patrol will increase its presence on Montana’s roads and highways during the winter mobilization period from December 11 through January 2025.

The state says there has been an increase in fatalities and crashes on Montana roadways compared to last year.
Alcohol has been a factor in 36 percent of fatal crashes this year, while drugs were a factor in 13 percent of fatal crashes.
Weiss says these statistics will not disappear but can be reduced.
"If you choose to drink during the holidays we suggest that you do it to where there is going to be a sober driver for you, there are taxi cabs, Ubers, make preparations before you go out and drink," Weiss says.

Local bars like Gold Bar use the free ride share to ensure the safety of patrons. More than half of the staff are trained in the program and use it for people at least once a week.
Gold Bar's general manager says, "Just stay safe, especially when the roads get icy it is hard to drive in general, especially when you have had a few beers at the bar. People in my field too I think it is our job to help regulate those things."