NewsCrime and Courts


Increased security for man accused of slamming a minor to the ground

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The Superior man charged with assaulting a minor for not removing his hat during the national anthem appeared in Mineral County District Court amid increased security.

Curt Brockway, 39, pleaded not guilty to causing bodily harm to a 13-year-old boy during Wednesday's court appearance.

Brockway his Wednesday appearance in a courtroom filled with extra law enforcement on Wednesday in Superior and pleaded not guilty to causing bodily harm to a 13-year-old boy.

He pleaded not guilty to slamming a minor to the ground for reportedly “disrespecting the flag” by not taking of his hat during the national anthem at a rodeo. The boy received skull fractures and was flown to Spokane for treatment following the incident.

Brockway’s attorney told the judge Wednesday that he will seek a psych evaluation for his client, who suffers from a traumatic brain injury.

Moments after Brockway plead guilty he was escorted out of the building from a fire entrance -- which according to the Mineral County bailiff is not normal procedure -– because county employees and the defendant have received multiple death threats.

“The increased security was just due to because of the numerous amounts of emails and telephone calls – some threatening – some very obscene that were received," said bailiff Ernest Ornelas, who is also a reserve deputy for the Mineral County Sheriff's Office.

The Montana Highway Patrol, the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks law enforcement were all in the courthouse to provide assistance and additional security for the case.

Brockway was released on his own recognizance, however District Judge John Larson reinstated his probation from an assault with a weapon case in 2010, where Brockway pulled a gun on a family of three and threatened to kill them.

Brockway is required to where a GPS device -- which according to his attorney Lance Jasper -- is already on and working.

“What I call it is a house arrest with the exception of court appearance, doctor appointment and coming to see me," Jasper said.

The media was told before the hearing they would be locked in the courtroom until Brockway had left the building and was in a secure location.

We were told this was being done for security reasons.

Brockway is scheduled to appear back in court on Oct. 23.

EXTENDED VIDEO: Curt Brockway court appearance