

Lewis and Clark Public Health to hold final drive-thru vaccination clinics for Phase 1a

and last updated

HELENA — The Lewis and Clark County Local COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Team will conduct a final vaccination push to Phase 1a individuals in Lewis in Clark County next week.

Drive-thru clinics will be held from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., January 5th and 6th at the county fairgrounds located at 98 Custer Avenue in Helena.

These clinics are only available to those community members in Phase 1a. Vaccination Phase 1a includes all licensed healthcare providers and their support staff at eligible healthcare facilities and long-term care facility staff and residents in the county. This would also include licensed home healthcare practitioners and professionals who provide behavioral and mental health services.

In order to be vaccinated at the drive thru clinics, Phase 1a individuals will be required to show a photo ID and proof of their employment, such as a professional license or name badge from a facility or healthcare employer in Lewis and Clark, Jefferson or Broadwater county.

In lieu of a professional license or badge, employees can provide a photo ID and a letter from their employer on company letterhead, which must include the company’s name, address, phone number and specify the employee’s position, with the same geographical information as listed above. Those who cannot provide this information will be turned away.

Any non-Phase 1a eligible individuals present in the vehicle with Phase 1a workers, families of those in Phase 1a, or those under the age 18 will not be vaccinated.

At this time, vaccination is not available to the general public or those individuals not specified in Phase 1a. Phase 1b, which encompasses teachers, first responders, school employees, individuals involved in food production, grocery store workers, adults 75 years and older and other high-risk groups, is expected to begin in mid-January 2021.

Point of distribution (POD) locations, timings, and more details on priority populations to be served within each phase of vaccine distribution, will be released by LCPH as soon as it becomes available.

COVID-19 symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Also, be aware of emergency warning signs of severe COVID-19 disease. Individuals showing any of the following signs or symptoms should seek emergency medical care immediately: trouble breathing, persistent pressure or pain in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, or bluish lips or face coloring.

Preventing and controlling local COVID-19 is dependent on personal responsibility and individual choices that residents of our county can make to protect our community.

Lewis and Clark Public Health continues to urge people to do the right thing to protect our community, practice what has been learned over the last few months, such as physical distancing, wearing a face covering, avoiding large gatherings, washing hands, and sanitizing surfaces to protect ourselves and others.

If you have questions, please call Lewis and Clark Public Health at 457-8900.