

Behind the scenes of the soapbox derby; from the garage to the finish line

Readying for Helena's Septemberfest soapbox Derby
and last updated

HELENA — The Septemberfest Soapbox Derby in downtown Helena is celebrating its fourth season. You see creative vehicles each year hit the Helena pavement, but they don't always start looking like that. So how does something like this get put together?

“Rules are pretty simple. You can't use a prefab car, got to have four wheels, it's got to turn, it's got brakes but also that no open flame or something like that, which is pretty funny. Outside of that, it's pretty open-ended,” said Bob Goodwin, owner of Stonetree Climbing Center.

The derby always has creative themes and rides participating each year, giving teams the opportunity to showcase their crafty creations to the crowd.

“I love the diversity of cars. You know, last year we had a couch going down the road, which was super cool and people themes which we've never really hit the theme thing too hard, but seeing the different themes and the crowd cheering for particular themes, it's so fun if you haven't been to downtown Helena during the soapbox derby, you've got to go,” said Goodwin.

For Goodwin and the Stonetree team participating in this year's derby, had some fun this year making their vehicle.

“The lead welder, his kiddo was looking at the car and we were trying to come up with a fun name for it, and has this kind of centipede idea, so he called it the “Centicycle” cause it's a centipede of bicycles, and I like it, that name is probably going to stick,” said Goodwin.

Stontree began their soapbox planning process back in August and it's no easy task.

There was lots of planning, welding, drilling, and testing for the car to be derby-ready, and the Stonetree community rallied around the team.

“It's sweet to send it out to the community-wide, and for the kids. Saying, like, we're doing this if you want to be a part of it, can be a part of it. Obviously, we're looking for welders, or designers, or pushers or whatever, but everybody else gets to be a part of the pit crew, the stoked crew, the excitement which is just as valuable, if not more valuable,” said Goodwin.

Stontree's climbers helping the soapbox derby team get ready for their big day

One of Stonetree’s climbers, and little helpers designing the car, is Theo Watson leaving his mark on the race car this year.

“We did handprints,” said Watson

“Did you write your name at all?” I asked

“Yes,” Watson responded.

Watson, and his climbing class, wanted to help Stonetree's derby car, so they can be in the crowd and cheer on the team on race day.

“It’s just something really fun, it’s to watch,” said Watson.

It’s Stonetree’s second year of participating in the derby. Last year, they fell short of the podium, earning the runner-up spot. Goodwin used this year to learn from last year, so they can get on the podium this time around while having fun along the way.

“We needed to move the way towards the middle of the car and figure out some steering issues. But team wise, we just wanted to bring lots of stock, lots of fun, good costumes and just make it a fun event, you know, we try to have the kids get involved by decorating and have our coaches help them decorate so they feel like they're a part of it,” said Goodwin

Goodwin says it couldn't have done it without donations from the community.

“I went to the bike kitchen and asked what they could donate for bikes that weren't going to be used or irreparable,” said Goodwin, “They couldn't take any parts off of them, and they were able to donate a pair of bikes that we could continue to use and put to put to work, which is really cool of them.”