

Montanans capture rare G5 Aurora Borealis conditions

and last updated

GREAT FALLS — The Aurora Borealis - often called Northern Lights - danced across Montana skies on Friday, May 10, 2024, and into Saturday morning.

MTN viewers captured some beautiful photographs of the light show, as seen in the video above - thank you for sharing your pictures!

The dazzling display was predicted by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), which said that the aurora borealis was visible overnight Friday into Saturday as far south as Alabama. The geomagnetic storm reached extreme (G5) conditions which caused the dramatic display in the sky.

SWPC said on Saturday people may again have a chance to see the lights Saturday evening into Sunday morning, but only time will tell if it will be like what was witnessed Friday night. As of Saturday afternoon, the storm was predicted to continue of varying intensity.

Current conditions can be found on the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center website.

For optimal viewing, try to get away from city lights. Taking a picture using the night mode on your phone may also help capture the lights.

What causes this mesmerizing natural phenomenon?

Explainer: Aurora Borealis

It starts with the sun. The Earth is surrounded by magnetic fields. During solar storms, large masses of charged particles, or protons and electrons, are forced towards the Earth at speeds of 250 to 500 miles per second by the solar wind.

Generally, the particles are directed towards the area with the greatest magnetic activity, the poles. Upon reach the North or South Pole, these particles interact with atmospheric gases, mostly oxygen and nitrogen. The collisions between the two cause heat, which is released in the form of light.

The color visible depends on the height of the collision. Higher altitude oxygen created a red hue, while green hues are indicative of lower altitude oxygen molecules. Pink and blue hues correlate to nitrogen molecules, the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.

In order for the Northern Lights to be visible at mid-latitudes such as Montana, the solar storm needs to be particularly intense. Brightness is directly related to the solar storm's strength. The planetary K index (Kp) is the most accurate scale for geomagnetic activity. The Kp index goes from 1 (dim, visible only near the poles) to 9 (very bright, visible overhead in northern U.S. states). A Kp of 5 is generally seen as the threshold for a solar storm and that is when the Northern Lights are usually visible near the Canadian border.

Prime viewing for the Aurora Borealis is during the wintertime months due to the lack of daylight hours, however it can technically be viewed anytime of the year. A full moon or city lights can prohibit the brightness of the Northern Lights.

Two resources for knowing when the Aurora Borealis might be visible in our area are the Space Weather Prediction Center and Soft Serve News.