

Despite wetter spring, GFFR warns residents to stay vigilant of firework fires

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GREAT FALLS – Great Falls Fire Rescue Fire Marshal Dirk Johnson is warning residents that although this year has seen more rain than others, you should still stay vigilant of fires starting due to fireworks.

He said a good tip is to always keep buckets of water nearby when discharging fireworks.

Dirk Johnson said, “With this Fourth of July season, we have been fortunate to have a lot of rain, but it doesn’t really mean that there’s going to be no fire danger. So, we still want you to be very safe when you are setting off your fireworks and be cognizant that you can start fires with them.”

If a grass fire does start on your property due to fireworks, he says to call 911 immediately.

Johnson said the sooner you are aware of the fire, the sooner you can arrive and the faster the fire will get put out and be stopped from spreading.

“If a firework doesn’t go off, make sure that you don’t walk and look over it. You want to kick it over, put it in a bucket of water and just make sure that it’s out and that it doesn’t explode,” Johnson added.

Johnson said that there will be extra patrol out this year and to make sure if you are planning on discharging fireworks within the city limits, to follow the City’s Ordinance and the rules and regulations.

Selling and discharging of fireworks can only take place within Great Falls city limits on July 2, 3 and 4 from 8 a.m. until midnight.

Great Falls residents are only allowed to discharge fireworks on private property.

Stick rockets, bottle rockets and roman candles are not allowed in Montana.

Children 10 and younger that are partaking in firework activities must have a supervising adult within 10 feet of the child.

As always, remember to clean up fireworks debris.

Any person who violates the city’s rules and regulations may be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fines.

For more information on rules and regulations, as well as the fine structure, you can click here.

Reporting by Kasey Herman for MTN News