

Great Falls Rotary Club shreds old documents, raises money for Polio awareness


(GREAT FALLS) The Great Falls Rotary Club partnered with the Montana Business Archives for its first ever ‘Trade the Clutter and Shred Polio’ event.

“We brought in a shred truck with Montana Business Archives, and we are doing a fundraiser to help support our organization’s mission,” rotary member Kevin Burnett said.

Rotary has been helping eradicate polio since the 1980s.

“We have a commitment. Each regional club sends their support towards a national organization to end polio. We just wanted to make sure that we fulfilled our commitment for the year,” Burnett said.

Polio is transmitted through contaminated water and food or contact with an infected person.

For a donation, one could bring a box of old records to safely and securely get rid of them.

Within an hour, a dozen cars were lined up to declutter and help make a difference in the world.

“It’s kind of inspiring to see so many people so quickly. Everyone was just ready to shred their documents and help support our case. It was great,” Burnett said.

Burnett says he joined the rotary club because of its mission to help people.

“It’s mostly been eradicated but that’s because of missions like our organization. We’ve gone out and helped spread awareness of it and help encourage people to get vaccinated against polio,” Burnett said.

Burnett says they hope to make this an annual event.

“Rotary club in general, a lot of people don’t know a whole lot about it. They’ve heard the name but recently I joined as a younger member in our community and I’ve really felt at home here,” Burnett said.

-Elizabeth Transue reporting for MTN