

7-year-old Great Falls girl raises money for Make-A-Wish Foundation

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GREAT FALLS – While many 7-year-olds try to find ways to get out of doing chores, that’s not the case for Kynzie Hendon.

A few weeks ago, Kynzie asked her mom if she could do extra chores around the house to earn some money.

At first Kynzie’s mom, Janessa White, joked about it as she wasn’t going to pay her daughter to do chores.

But Kynzie explained she had seen a St. Jude’s commercial and wanted to donate money to the cause.

Kynzie said, “I saw that all those kids were really really sick, so I decided I wanted to raise money.”

Janessa said, “She became really dedicated to it and later explained that she’d seen this commercial and wanted to help those kids and started doing chores for us and then chores for neighbors and eventually a bake sale.”

Kynzie said she cleaned, vacuumed, and did whatever chores were asked of her.

She also hosted a bake sale at Ace Hardware to raise funds. Kynzie said, “I baked some of it then we had a few helpers help us and then we frosted most of them ourselves.”

Kynzie will travel to Missoula to donate the more than $300 she raised to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Janessa explained that initially Kynzie wanted to donate to the Children’s Hospital, but one day they talked about Make-a-Wish.

Janessa said, “She felt those kids needed to be the most happy out of all kids because they didn’t have long to be happy. But it was all her choice and what she wanted to do with it cause she raised it.”

Janessa added, “She just said it makes her heart happy to make other people happy and doing things that help them get their wishes.”

Kynzie is taking a break from fundraising right now, but she said once school is over and summer starts, she wants to raise more funds. This time she wants to donate to help animals.

Reporting by Kasey Herman for MTN News