

New Helena Pharmacy holding Drug Take-Back Day

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HELENA – State officials and law enforcement encourage people to always dispose of unneeded prescription drugs. A new Helena pharmacy is helping make that disposal a quick and easy process.

On Friday April 26CAPITAL Rx will be holding a Drug Take-Back Day at their location on Winne Ave, where Bergum Drug used to be.

The pharmacy provides a medsafe for people to drop-off prescription drugs.

“It’s just a safe and responsible way to get rid of prescription drugs,” said Pharmacist Shelbi Frieling. “If you’re not using them you don’t need them in your med cabinet.”

The medsafe keeps the drugs from finding their way into wastewater systems, landfills or the hands of people who might abuse them.

It does cost CAPITAL Rx money to dispose of the drugs, but Owner Matt Mills says they’re proud to offer the service to the community for free if it gets the unused medication disposed of properly.

“It’s a safe disposal just get them out of people’s houses. So it makes it safer for the environment, safer for families so they’re not having old medications laying around,” said Mills.

If people miss Friday’s event they will still be able to drop off their unneeded medication at CAPITAL Rx during regular business hours.

On Saturday, April 27 the DEA will be holding their National Take-Back Day to encourage people to responsibly dispose of any unused or expired prescription drugs.

The DEA say millions of Americans misuse prescription drugs each year with the majority of abusers obtaining those drugs from friends or family members.

A list of drop-off location can be found of the DEA Take-Back Day website.