

Butte Chateau Quilt Guild holds 2019 Quilt Show

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BUTTE, Mont. – On Friday and Saturday, the Butte Chateau Quilt Guild held a quilt show to show off members’ works of art.

The event was held in the Annex of the Civic Center with the theme, Circle of Quilts. Each member was allowed to submit two different quilts to be entered into the weekend’s competition.

Member Jill Barber specializes in making antique quilts; in fact, she doesn’t own an electric sewing machine.

“Oh it is very calming,” said Barber. “There is a tranquility about it, and the rhythm of the treadle going back and forth, and the little hum of the machine gears working. It is just very soothing. I call it the zen of quilting.”

Reporting by Mederios Babb for MTN News