

Bozeman Health launches virtual healthcare app

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BOZEMAN – Bozeman Health has introduced a new way to help people meet their healthcare needs — on demand, without leaving home.

It’s an app called b2VirtualCare that that allows you to have a virtual, video appointment with a board-certified provider within minutes on your smartphone.

The app helps make it possible for people living in rural areas, traveling, or those who can’t make it to the doctor to receive care when they need it.

“We believe that this is important to offer to our community because it is an access point that is becoming more preferred by patients and consumers,” said Bozeman Health Chief Information Officer Tamara Havenhill-Jacobs. “Based on the way that we shop, based on the way that we access goods and services in all other areas, healthcare is another thing that is important to us to have on demand.”

The app is available as a free download from your preferred app store, and virtual appointments are charged at a flat rate of $69.

Reporting by Emma Hamilton for MTN News