

Great Falls man gives back for 21st birthday

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GREAT FALLS — A Great Falls man is celebrating this March 11 by giving back to those in need.

Jarred Nichols said he has only seen the negative effects of what alcohol can do to people.

So, as his twenty-first birthday approached, he wanted to do something different.

“I was talking with my accountability partner with the Celebrate Recovery Group, and she said, ‘Why don’t you collect 21 bibles as a way of celebrating your birthday with the [Great Falls] Rescue Mission?’” Nichols said.

Nichols decided to take that idea few steps further, coming up with the idea for “Donations Not Drinks.”

Nichols said he is collecting 21 hats, gloves, boots, hygiene items, books, and more.

“I have already collected coats, gloves, hats, and boots,” Nichols said.

Nichols said part of the reason he decided to donate the items to the Great Falls Rescue Mission is because he had to stay there at one point.

“I want to do something I remember for my twenty-first birthday. The majority of the people I have talked to, they do not remember their twenty-first birthdays,” Nichols said.

He wants people to know there are other alternatives than going out and drinking, and he is open to more items about what he can donate.

If you would like to help Nichols, reach him at (406) 590-2794.

Reporting by Margaret DeMarco for MTN News