

USPS asks for help to keep carriers safe

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LEWISTOWN – U.S. Postal Service carriers will be working long and hard this winter season to provide the best service possible. Customers are asked to take a few simple steps to make their task a little safer and easier.

The Postal Service treats safety and service with equal priority. That’s why we ask our customers to lend a helping hand.

  • With nightfall coming earlier, some deliveries will be made while it is dark outside. Please leave outdoor lights on to illuminate addresses and walkways.
  • Remove potential trip hazards from steps, porches and designated package drop areas.
  • Ensure that dogs are restrained or kept inside. If a carrier rings your bell or knocks, please place the dog in another room before answering the door.
  • Letter carriers are on the front line of severe weather conditions. Doorstep deliveries, painted porches and steps quickly grow hazardous. While salting and rubber-backed mats help, we rely on residents to clear the snow. If there’s a warm spell, and the melting snow puddles, a quick freeze can make a sidewalk slick again.
  • Residents who receive delivery to roadside mailboxes also must keep the approach to, and exit from, the mailbox clear of snow or any other obstacles, like trash cans and other vehicles.
  • Don’t be surprised to see your carriers on Sunday. As we flex our network, we are delivering parcels seven days a week in many cities.

Also, please watch for slow-moving postal vehicles, carriers on foot, and children that play near mailboxes or snow banks and don’t zip by neighbors who are clearing mailboxes or collecting their mail. Let’s all stay safe.

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.