

Great Falls High School House program receives anonymous donation to help buy new tools

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GREAT FALLS – Students involved in the High School House program through NeighborWorks Great Falls set down their tools Thursday for a celebration.

They celebrated a recent, anonymous donation of $500, which helped the program purchase new tools.

NeighborWorks Executive Director Sherrie Arey said, “We were blessed to have this generous donation for these new tools. It was an anonymous donor that felt it was important to give to the High School House program and allow these young construction workers excellent tools to provide a home in Great Falls that will outlast many of them and years to come. They can drive by with their families and show what they have done in our community and this house will see the next century.”

High School House gives students the hands-on opportunity to build a home from the ground up.

This year’s house is being built by students from both Great Falls High School and C.M. Russell High School with the guidance of teacher Pete Pace.

The students start from a large hole in the fall. They then build the foundation and work on both the interior and exterior of the home.

Senior Morgan Nelson said, “I’ve always been interested in building and building is one of my favorite things to do.”

Nelson added he’s glad for the donation to allow the program to buy new tools, “I’m happy, it means we’re getting recognized for what we’re doing.”

Other classes including Family & Consumer Science are brought in to help paint, plan the interior and choose colors for the home.

Once completed, it will be the 41st house built through the High School Program, which was established in the 1997-1998 school year.

If anybody is interested in donating to High School House, you can donate on the NeighborWorks Great Falls website.

Reporting by Kasey Herman for MTN News