

HPD encourages you to reach out if the holidays are affecting your mental health


HELENA – The holidays can be stressful for many folks and in some cases situations arise where you might become concerned about the well-being of a friend or family member…or yourself.

Helena police say they respond to between 90 and 100 welfare calls every month, where they check on someone dealing with a mental health crisis.

Lt. Cory Bailey says it might seem like those situations arise more over the holidays, but often times people are just more connected with their loved ones this time of year, then they might be at other times.

He says they want people to reach out to them for help if it’s needed.

“If they’re concerned, either about someone’s mental health or that they’re possibly suicidal, to please, don’t hesitate, just call,” says Lt. Bailey. “If it’s an emergency, call 911, non-emergency, call and an officer can come out to speak to somebody or help guide that person to the correct resources.”

Reporting by Melissa Jensen for MTN News

Lt. Cory Bailey