

Second “Future of the Falls” forum examines city government, downtown, and development

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GREAT FALLS – Young adults in Great Falls met for a second time Monday night for another Future of the Falls Forum.

This time included an ask and answer session with city and community leaders. Conversation focused on educating people and asking questions about three topics including city government, Downtown Great Falls, and economic development.

The event was divided into ask and answer sessions with three panels, one for each topics. Representatives included leaders from tourism, city planning, Great Falls College MSU, the Great Falls Police Department, business owners, and more.

Before each panel, one myth about Great Falls was brought up, and addressed or dispelled.

Questions from attendees concerned growth, retention, branding, professional mentorship, tax credits, the role of the city in development, and more.

Forum leaders encouraged people to get involved in the community, and to become brand ambassadors for Great Falls.

“We’re going to challenge some people if they have good ideas, or want to be involved, to take that next step and maybe connect with the people who are responding here tonight, to connect with them and say, ‘Hey, I’m really interested in what you’re doing, and what can I do to help,’” explained facilitator Heather Palermo.

The forums are intended to give young adults a voice, a place for ideas to be heard, and develop action plans to build an even better Great Falls. Monday night’s meeting was the second step in a series of forums.

-Reported by Shannon Newth/MTN News