

Stevensville hosts first community Thanksgiving in almost 15 years

and last updated

STEVENSVILLE – For the first time in about 15 years, Stevensville hosted a community Thanksgiving in the Stevensville School cafeteria.

The dinner was put together by the entire Stevensville community and the idea was hatched only about a month ago.

Volunteers started preparing the food for the day two days ago, all of which was donated by people and businesses from the Stevensville area.

Event organizers needed a place to host the dinner and the Stevensville Superintendent was gracious enough to donate the use of the school’s cafeteria.

A meal for a whole community is bound to have leftovers, which will also be put to good use after the dinner.

“All of the leftover food, should we have any, is being donated through the community, so any of our families throughout the school. Senior citizens that were unable to come today, that could not physically get out of their house, we have to-go boxes. So we are packaging up prepared food and donating all of the food and anything that has not been cooked or is still in the can, everything is going to pantry partners including and monetary donations that were not used,” event organizer Christ Martin said.

The Stevensville community hopes to continue this new tradition next year and thanked everyone for their donations to make this year happen.

Reporting by Connor McCauley for MTN News