

Teen artist brightens up Billings South Side

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BILLINGS – It’s a bright future for one Billings teen as her artwork is creating a bright future for one South Side intersection.

Izzy Mamea is a freshman this year at Billings Senior High School, but she created a piece for the electrical traffic signal box on State Avenue across from Washington Street when she was in middle school.

She was just an eighth-grader at Riverside Middle School when she submitted her work. It then took seven months for her design to take shape.

Mamea named her piece “all for one,” and hers is one of three new traffic signal boxes now wrapped in a colorful design as a way to connect arts to their community and brighten up the intersection.

“I hope that they look at it and can relate to it or can point at it and say this is where I fit in,” said Mamea.

The South Side box wrap project is part of a larger healthy neighborhood project led by the Healthy By Design coalition. The artists are given a stipend for their work, but Mamea chose to donate hers to help fund a summer camp scholarship at a local church.

Two other signal traffic boxes were done by Tiffany Morley an artist and South Side resident and John Yzaguirre, a former tattoo artist on the South Side.

Reporting by Andrea Lutz for MTN News