

Civil War veteran now has headstone in Flathead County cemetery


KALISPELL – A Civil War veteran from Illinois who spent 104 years in an unmarked grave in Conrad Cemetery now has a headstone thanks to documents discovered by his great-granddaughter.

Colonel Edward Green’s grave had no marker and cemetery records didn’t list his military service but now the member of the Illinois 33rd Infantry is now being properly respected.

“It’s just really wonderful to put some closure to something that was open for 104-years this grave was never marked,” said Ryan Keeler with the Montana VA. “He served during the Civil War and had passed away in 1914 and had been buried here without a marker ever since.”

“We don’t stop no matter how far back it goes to help our veterans and respect them,” Kalispell Glacier VFW Post 2252 Quartermaster Kerry Dill told MTN News.

Dill says thanks to documents provided by his great-granddaughter — and with help from Montana Veterans Affairs –the memorial marker was installed about three weeks ago.

But other Civil War vet graves remain unmarked and with correct documentation to make sure they’re honored.

“I recommend to all families if you find those documents set them aside find a VFW Post an American Legion swing by and ask somebody to identify the documents and see if there is something that should be recorded or set aside for safe keeping.,” Keeler said.

The Conrad Cemetery was already home to 25 Civil War veterans before the new addition.

Reporting by Nicole Miller for MTN News