

Butte security guards awarded for saving life


BUTTE – Four security guards at the federal courthouse in Butte were recognized for their quick actions last fall that saved a life.

The federal workers were issued the Copper Heart Award by A-1 Ambulance for providing first aid to a man who suffered a heart attack just outside the federal courthouse on North Main Street last January.

“They went inside, graded their AED while one of them was starting CPR, another was calling 911, and they were doing CPR and they actually shocked this patient and converted him back into a rhythm. Consequently, by the time EMS got here the person was sitting up talking to us,” said A-1 Ambulance employee Arch Arntson.

A-1 Ambulance plans to give out this award each year to police and emergency responders who take life-saving action.

Reporting by John Emeigh for MTN News